1 boy with a Bieber haircut + 1 girl in an iCarly t-shirt - any sense of financial obligation = SUCCESS!
When two of those options are taken away... then what do you do? CURSE YOU, COPYRIGHT!
Luckily, with a great partner, a little imagination, and hours spent surfing Creative Commons -- an ad campaign was born!
BE _____. Keeping the slogan simple and tying it to both the image used and the idea of the phone skins seemed to really work out for us. We had a playful font for the phone name and an easy to read font for the rest of the text. Each ad was bright and eye-catching, but not too busy.

Overall, the ad campaign seemed to be successful in theme and execution. I had a blast seeing what ideas the other teams came up with for this project! The assignment was certainly challenging, but I loved getting a chance to flex some Photoshop skills and think outside the box.
Brightening up the colors may help the male one some since the other ads are also bright, but my focus for some reason is locked on the peacock phone ad. The peacock was definitely an interesting idea, but it too is very different from the other two. This is mostly because of the texture of the background (the whole thing is peacock feathers. I don't know if I would personally change the whole thing or not, but I would consider it. Also, I think the phone seems to be "floating" more on the peacock one because that particular section where the phone is sitting is out of focus. If you didn't do a whole change to the background, maybe if it has the resolution you can use a larger portion minus the out of focus part.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your phone ad campaign! They were simple, creative, interesting, and had catchy slogans. When I was a preteen, I could definitely relate to the girl's ad. At that age, although I never really admitted it to anyone else, I wanted to be a star and I thought that many other preteen girls felt the same way! I really do not think that many changes need to be made to your ad campaign. In the girl's ad, although I like the idea, the "microphone cord" seems somewhat awkward to me. Also, I agree with you that the boy's ad could be a bit brighter and a website somewhere on each ad might have helped. Overall, you and your partner did an awesome job! :)